Abbotsford Police Board


To provide independent civilian oversight and governance of the Abbotsford Police Department to ensure measurable progress towards a safer community.

Responsibilities of the Police Board

The Abbotsford Police Board is a statutory body created under the BC Police Act (S 23) and has the following governance and oversight functions:

  • employer of sworn and civilian staff of the Police department
  • policy and direction setters
  • financial overseers; and
  • disciplinary authorities for policy and service complaints with the Chair being responsible for discipline for the Chief and Deputy Chief Constables

Governance refers to controlling and directing the making of policy. Oversight involves ensuring that legislated and mandated functions are carried out by the department.

The Abbotsford Police Board is responsible for appointing the Chief Constable and evaluating his or her performance. The Board provides direction to the Abbotsford Police Department through the Chief Constable. The Chief is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the department.

The Abbotsford Police Board is accountable to the community of Abbotsford, the BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, and the members and employees of the Abbotsford Police Department through senior management.

The Abbotsford Police Board is comprised of the Mayor, who is designated chair, one person appointed by municipal council and up to five persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor -in-Council. Members of the Abbotsford Police Board are not paid.

Role of the Abbotsford Police Board

The role of the Board is to establish the Abbotsford Police Department, and to provide general direction to this department, in accordance with relevant legislation and in response to community needs.

Municipal Police Boards are created independently from municipal councils and from the provincial government. This removes boards from partisan council and politics, as well as recognizes that both the municipality and the province have legitimate interests in municipal policing.

The Board is required under the Police Act, Part 5, s. 26(4), to determine the priorities, goals and objectives of the Department each year, in consultation with the Chief Constable.